A small vim plugin which provides a few commands for dmenu use in vim.

To open a file in vim with dmenu use the following, where the argument can be any vim command, such as e, sp, vsp, etc.

:DmenuFile "e"

To switch to a currently open buffer use the following, with again any vim command.

:DmenuBuf "e"

Run the following command to jump to a function or variable using ctags. Currently it creates a tags file every time you run it, but hopefully this is only temporary and it will simply create tags when needed in memory.



To change the default dmenu command put the following in your .vimrc

let g:dmenu_cmd = 'dmenu -i -l 20'

To change the default file list command put the following in your .vimrc

let g:dmenu_ls = 'find -type f -printf "%P\n" | tail -n +2'

To change the default git file list command put the following in your .vimrc

let g:dmenu_git_ls = 'git ls-files'

To change the default ctags command put the following in your .vimrc

let g:dmenu_ctags = 'ctags -f - --sort=no -R . | cut -f 1'


Without a plug-in manger (like the ones below) you have to manually put each file/folder (plugin/, doc/, autoload/, etc.) into the root of your .vim folder. I highly recommend that you use one of the plug-in mangers below for less manual work and easier organization.

2. Pathogen, by tpope

To use Pathogen you first have to install it. After the installation process, type the following command into a terminal, assuming you have git installed:

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone https://gitlab.com/edvb/dmenu.vim

3. Vundle, by gmarik

To use Vundle you first have to install it by following the instructions on the repository. After the installation process, insert the following into your .vimrc file:

Plugin 'edvb/dmenu.vim'

And then type this while inside Vim:

:source %

4. NeoBundle, by Shougo

To use NeoBundle you first have to install it by following the instructions on the repository. After the installation process, insert the following into your .vimrc file:

NeoBundle 'edvb/dmenu.vim'

And then type this while inside Vim:

:source %


Written by ED van Bruggen.


Vim License. See :help license